Fluor Architectur - Guillaume Avenard and Hervé Schneider

A Style Forged From Combination

NOMINATED @ European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award 2015.


REVIEW / Born from a complex web of desires, the architectural design of the Vincent van Gogh Foundation . . .

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. . . invents a style forged from combination. Organizing heterogeneous spaces, interweaving contemporary works of art and the museographic requirements of conservation, recomposing historical elements and inventing new forms, the architecture multiplies ways of reflecting. The architecture catalyzes intuition and expertise, experimentation and skill. In so doing, it creates a generous space open to all forms of influences and exchanges that consciously take part in a form of timelessness.”

Guillaume Mansart, excerpt from Le bâtiment de la Fondation van Gogh, February 2014

G. Mansart is an art critic, and co-editor of the Documents d’artistes

Read the full text : Le bâtiment de la Fondation Vincent van Gogh

V. van Gogh Foundation . Arles,Culture

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